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Why you Need a Home Security System

There are statistics that show that there are almost ten burglaries happening every ten seconds. Of most of the burgled houses, something emerged that they all had in common. Those houses had locks in place. Locks it seems could only manage to notify people that there was no one home. Anyone with lock picking skills could easily find their way into the house. Homes that on the other hand had home security systems were not so easily burgled. Burglars, armed or otherwise are thus best degreed by having such a system in place. 

You shall have fewer break-ins with such a system in place. When burglars see something like CCTV cameras on a house, they immediately change their plans. They would rather find an easier mark than risk being identified or worse, captured. This should motivate you to do something about getting a home security system. Imagine being the only one in your neighborhood without one; the easy mark. Do check out Fox Guard Security solutions. 

It shall also be the best way to keep your family and your valuables safe. Whether you are in the house or not, having such a system shall prevent them from gaining entry. These systems have alarms that will go off immediately attracting the attention of neighbors. They shall contact you as well as the police to say what is happening. 

You will also not be charged such high home insurance rates. The safer you make your house, the fewer risks it shall carry. Insurance premiums are normally calculated as a factor of risk. Therefore, the lower the risk yours faces, the less you will be expected to pay to insure it. 

These systems can also be installed to alert the authorities automatically to any suspicious and criminal activities. Burglars are aware of this, which is why most of them will not proceed with their actions once an alarm goes off. These systems can also be made to detect other dangers in the house, such as fires, or the presence of carbon monoxide. These deadly incidences can happen when you are asleep. The fact that emergency services shall be notified means your life can be efficiently saved.

You will also have round the clock monitoring from the home security system. Burglaries tend to happen when everyone has left for their work or school. Since you cannot stay at home to monitor it, you shall have a suitable substitute in the system. Therefore, no matter what time they choose to stage a burglary, there will be alarms set off and the law enforcement officers notified in time. Do research further on Fox Guard Security

You, therefore, have more than enough reasons to invest in a home security system. Contact us today, to find out how you can. Here are some great wireless home security systems:

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